Apr 9th, 2014

Series of great videos highlight benefits of packaging

The Finish packaging sector has come together to produce a campaign highlighting the wide range of benefits of different packages. The Quite a Package! Campaign is a series of highly entertaining video animations following 2 characters called Siiri and Rolle, who explore the benefits of different packaging types as they go about their daily life.

One video sees them eating pizza, out of corrugated boxes of course. And the campaign goes on to cover in a fun way the many important benefits of packaging, like preserving taste, limiting food waste by selecting the right size of packaging, ensuring the protection of food, beverages many other consumer goods, and of limiting our impact on the environment (through recycling and waste prevention).

Make sure you watch all the videos, but here is the one featuring the corrugated pizza boxes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCMx3Q3-AX4
